Day 60 May 2 – Lehigh Gap – 40.78353, -75.60567 –

30 miles today. Today was long and harsh. There was almost no major vertical gain or loss but it was MAD rocky. My shoes are getting totally torn up. I am gonna have a seriously major talk with Salomon.
I made it into Lehigh about 30 minutes after Woodstock left after resupplying. I called the hotel/hostel and aranged a pick up at Little Gap, five miles further up the trail and after the worst climb this side of the Whites. I made it to the Little Gap at about 6:15 and the hostel shuttle guy picked me up and brought me back into town.

I’m cleaned up, fed, and ready for bed watching HBO. I am getting out of here early tomorrow so I can hit Deleware Water Gap as early as possible, 31 miles down the line.


Seth “Osprey” Schumacher

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