31 miles today. Today was a long, but comparatively short, day. Woodstock and I left the shelter at 7:45 and made mad good time. We had done 18 miles by 2 with 13 to go. We had 3 lose 1000+ foot drops followed by similar climbs to boot, so a total of 3000 ft lost and 3000 ft gained. The ridge trail was easy, if rocky in some parts.
We lucked out and met this guy just after the shelter at 18 miles. He turned out to be a Triple Crown recipient, having done the AT in ’76 at 18, the PCT in ’77 and again in 2000, and the CDT in 2002. He was out doing a day hike. He is 49. We ran into him again just before we crossed under I-81 and he took us into a Dairy Queen and bought us dinner, very nice trail magic.
We made it to the shelter at about 7:30 instead of 6 due to our trail magic, but heck, that’s just fine. Tomorrow we’re doing 28 miles into Port Clinton, a very flat and easy 28. I expect to be there by 3:30 or 4, leaving here by 6:30 at the latest. We’ll see what happens. I’m pretty beat. Those rocks make this section tiring and even more sore than the rest of the trail. Time for bed.
Seth “Osprey” Schumacher
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