12 miles today. Well today was just as rainy, if not more, as yesterday. I got out of the shelter at 6 and booked it to the Tye River. Coming down the 3000 feet from the Priest to the river was great fun in the rain. I hitched a ride into Montebello after 15 minutes of sticking my thumb out. I’m so glad I did.
The hostel here is AMAZING. Not only is it actually a house that’s heated, there are all the features a hiker dreams of. There is EXCELENT food, a hot shower, phone service, internet, a tv with movies, a real bed, and free laundry. I absolutely love it.
I’m heading out from the Tye tomorrow to get as far as I can towards Waynesboro and Uncle Ron. It seems Mrs. Horvath couldn’t get domeone to drive with her so it’s good she didn’t have to drive up here. I’m going to take a good few days off with my uncle and then get back on the trail, probably sometime around Monday of next week. I hope to have a great time with him.
Oh goodie, it’s dinner time. Gotta go.
Seth “Osprey” Schumacher
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