Day 20 March 21- Miss Janet’s Hostel, Erwin TN – 36.14541, -82.41356 –

7 miles today. The bus got into Johnson City at 7:15ish. I ended up walking the wrong way towards the interstate to Erwin and dropped into a drug store for directions and got lucky. A guy filling his prescription was heading back past the interchange and took me there. I hadn’t waited more than 5 minutes when a guy pulled up in his pickup and drove me all the way to Erwin. Evidently he normaly operates a shuttle service and was really informative.
I was dropped off right in front of the river crossing. I headed up on the trail expecting to run into Alleycat and Hawk because Alley had said they didn’t plan on hanging out in Erwin. I got to the first shelter at 3 miles and found no entry from them so I walked on 4 miles to a road crossing and hitched back in to Miss Janets. Lo and behold, Hawk walked out the door as I walked up the drive followed by Alley. There are 11 hikers here tonight and it’s packed. It’s really nice.

Alleycat and I got through the ritual pint of Ben & Jerry’s pretty easily. Everyone’s been hanging out for a few hours now. It looks like I’m gonna join Alleycat and Hawk go back 11 miles to hike into town then to the next shelter. Other than that there isn’t much.

More tomorrow,

Seth “Osprey” Schumacher

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